Sunday, June 7, 2015

Your chance to move forward!

You know I don't know what it's like to be a mom of more then one child. But what I do know is just how everything is a learning lesson and one of the hardest ones I have had to learn is putting my trust into men that they will take care of someone important to me. This last week for the first time to allow what I couldn't see. Turn into one of the greatest things I have done. For the first time in months. I felt like I was taking a breath for myself. I felt like I missed my baby girl and cuddles became more meaningful. Moments she laughed made my heart melt and pictures of her thru another eyes taught me that this world is more than just thru my eyes.  
This moment prepared for me when the moment came and I had to take care of this sick beauty. I was able to realize the reason that we have certain people on our lives is simple. It is to allow us to progress. It helps us become who we are and if there are people that aren't in your life now. Let them go! You need to learn characteristics to be who you are. Something we learn as parents is they give us the opportunity to constantly move forward. Even when today seems like you need a break. You need a chance to move forward. Don't forget every circumstance is only yours...simply because you need it!

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