Sunday, June 7, 2015

Why she was given to me.

Clearly, I don't have alot of time on my hands...that I can just post, whenever I feel like it. But the moments I do find I need to post, Are the times that I KNOW someone, somewhere, needs to hear know like most moms their biggest worry that isn't talked about is, having an ugly baby....and when Breklie was me, she was this girl who was given to me from Heavenly Father and I was gonna mother this angel that just came from heaven. How was I gonna do this? I didn't know how I was gonna dress her? How I was gonna make bottles? What would I do if she got hurt? And my biggest fear never came true. 

Anxiety came. Things I was scared of that I never knew I could be, now existed. And talking to people and learning who I a person, now had a label I had to live up too. Well thru the questions, lack of answers and discovering...not a day has gone by that i haven't been reminded JUST how lucky I am and how lucky Breklie is. I have been given a beauty I never knew that even existed in myself and it shows in just who Breklie is. In her smile. In her eyes. In her personality.. I have come to know that babies are our constant reminders, of what we often forget. They depend on us for everything and all we are as women. They tend to slow us down when nothing seems to be going right and they give us a chance to understand the most simple things in life. So I want you to remember just because things have changed. It just means your becoming exactly who your suppose to be. 

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