Saturday, November 15, 2014

Preterm labor

Preterm labor?  (11.14-11.15.14)
Something I'd like to call that this is so out of anyone's honestly brings u to stop everything you are doing in a matter of minutes and the only voice that makes you possibly feel calm... is a mother knowing exactly what to say. A prayer being set up to God simply asking him to ease every fear. Every worry and every concern. Yet as he does that, have I found that I have been able to relax. I have been able to stay calm and I've been able to put trust in myself that what my body is doing isn't exactly normal and normal all at once..The third trimester is where the body is taking everything from you...and it is making you feel so unsure of every thing... But I have found i am in tune with my body enough to know what is going i walked into the hospital the past two days I haven't always known what to expect. The worst. The best. Am I over reacting? What will the nurses be like? Will I walk out of here with some clarity...  This preterm labor has caused contractions,  sharp pains, a feeling of dilating that I never knew I could feel, it felt like pressure that I couldn't control..and amongst all those things emotions have been high...being scared,  the unknown has put me feeling unsure of the outcome of anything. But belief in everything is possible.. That has caused me to believe in God in a whole new way..he doesn't always answer right away...but my goodness does he listen to allow me to get everything off my chest..he has helped me being scared to calm do to the moments when they measure me being dilated. It is not comfortable when they use their fingers,  they have to go up pretty high to figure out if the baby is coming down...and it specially doesn't help after not having sex in over 7 months... It has been scary gettin shots in the butt that cause a stinging sensation and of all the things you hear from what ppl have gone thru..being stuck with an IV and the feeling that something cold is going thru ones veins isn't something words can really say other then a feeling of hydration..with every nurse I have felt a different feeling from the prick inside my arm...but I think the thing that scared me the most is when I didn't feel my baby girl move often today....The pain I would rather endure instead of her..The feelings of being unsure with my body is far better then her being here and not knowing....but how active she is on , she drains me most of the today was one of those times it felt more pain then most days. But after two days of all of these things. I now feel more prepared for labor,  I have more trust that I can talk to God more often to trust in his timing of when my baby girl is going to come...and trust in my baby girl that she may have a mind of her own..but she is smart. She knows what's going on.. she tests her name quite often. ..and I know that as long as I don't let fear step in...things come together and I then allow better things to come out of the end result.

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