Everything begins and ends with YOUR reaction, actions and how you view yourself!I dont believe that the answer no has ever been in my vocabulary, tell me that it isnt possible for me to do something and I promise you that everytime I will show you how possible it is for me to do.You know growing up I always found that my mom was my best friend, she was someone who said the right things, the one I told all my secrets too, the one I counted on to validate me, the one that taught me what beauty was, the one that taught me how to forgive the people who pass judgement, the people who lie to us, let them empower you, she has taught me that the most important thing as a woman is to know your worth...and these are the qualities I want my baby girl to learn as these tutu's are placed on her...I want her to look back and see the sacrifice, love, and the important role of what the word Hope means.
I have learned in this pregnancy that in a matter of a moment anything is possible of changing, specially when it comes to the physical aspect of it all. I have found the tightness means growth, that the voices of what she is told, babies respond. I have grown to learn the intelligence comes from all that I teach her, thru words, how I respond and react and what I allow.I have grown to find that as my Hope grows inside my heart, she gets bigger and people begin to notice. I have grown to appreciate comments that others around me make. I have grown to look for Angels and the form that they come in, I have found how easy it is to become distracted, I know that everything has a pattern and a reason. I have grown to open my heart to listen to my heart and the inspiration I so often feel and help bring the joy of it to others lives. I allow myself to ask for the things that I need and become vulnerable when someone wants to help me. I try to find the beauty in my belly growing and not focus on the pain it can cause and the uncomfortableness that I find.
The reality of becoming a mommie is becoming more evident to me daily. Not only thru my belly growing. But as the countdown tells me that I will put someone above me everytime, that I will plan my day more efficiently, that I will become more aware of my surroundings, that my heart will feel more love then I am even capable of picturing at this moment.
It truly amazes me what a year ago can change, thru the smiles, the hair growth, the daily choices I made, what I am doing with my life and who I am living my life for and what I want to be. It has taught me in an instant that the way I view my body, my mindset, my choices, my value, my worth can change by a simple word called unconditional love.
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